CYCLES Digital Guest Book

A rectangular graphic with a purple background. On the left is white text, “Inclusive Arts Vermont Presents: CYCLES. An exhibition of work by Vermont artists with disabilities. Traveling statewide 2024.” In the middle is a spiral of circles. The spiral comes up from the up from the bottom arcs left at the top and spirals inward into the center. Each circle is filled with an artwork from the exhibition. Artwork depictions include monarch butterflies, a madalal of wolves, an abstract painting, tree roots, bison, a phoenix, colorful circles, a colorful black hole, figures diving into water, and screenprinted flowers. On the left side are logos for Vermont Humanities and The Vermont Community Foundation.

Welcome to the CYCLES Digital Guest Book!
Click here to enter your comments in a Google form.
Whether you engage with the exhibition in person or remotely we invite you to share your thoughts and feedback.
To complete this in an alternative format (i.e. e-mail or phone), contact: or (802) 556-3668

If you agree to make your comments public we will share your thoughts and feedback below. Thank you.

Guest Book Entries

And huge hurray for QR code (just used successfully) and community with other artists. And kindness and encouragement from Heidi and others of IAVermont


I have always wished to experience art by feeling it and interacting with it in a gallery setting, and I was thrilled to be able to take in what I was seeing in this manner. I personally love making tactile art, so seeing the work of many artists who share the same passion was delightful!!


How joyful and lively the space felt compared to any other opening I have been to in the past. Very warm and welcoming-even with serious subject matters.

The variety of artwork displayed! Each piece was unique and I enjoyed the different types of media used. I loved Kristina Gosh’s piece ‘Ice shards and puddles”. It was really captivating to me and I liked how the piece looked textured.


One thing that delighted me about this cycles exhibit is that it showed artwork done by people with all different disabilities. I have been to several museums and galleries to observe different art exhibits, and I rarely see work done by individuals with disabilities. Another thing that delighted me about this cycles exhibit is the use of many vibrant colors as well as the many references to nature.


I liked that there were both short descriptions and more in depth descriptions of the artwork. I also liked that I could hear from the artist, because typically when I go to art exhibits I don’t hear from the artist specifically; instead I read a little blurb that is just an interpretation of the artwork, often not written by the artist themselves.

I really enjoyed out this exhibition was organized. It was very easy for me to access everyone’s art and to hear about it in long and short descriptions. I also thought it was a beautiful way to uplift people with disabilities and to see their perspectives through their art.

I really loved Scott Brodie’s poem about autism and listening to his artist biography discussing how passionate he is about advocating for himself and others in regard to their right to communicate. I think this is an excellent way to share one’s perspective and can be accessed by many people.

I loved how inclusive the exhibit was. Getting to hear all the different stories while also getting to observe different mediums and imagery in the art was enthralling. Also, the textures in some of the pieces were super fun to explore.
