Employment & Volunteering

Seeking Board of Directors Members!

Inclusive Arts Vermont seeks artists, arts enthusiasts, and magic makers to join its Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors meets monthly, over ZOOM video conferencing. Board members are also encouraged to engage in committee work including fundraising, board and staff development, programs, strategic planning, and finance management. The purpose of the Board of Directors is to provide direction and vision for the future of the organization, and support to the staff.

We are actively seeking board members with the following skills/characteristics/expertise (though anyone is welcome to apply):

  • Disability awareness
  • Legal expertise
  • Development/fundraising experience/expertise
  • Financial management experience/expertise

Interested in applying to be on the Board of Directors?
Fill out this form or send this filled out Word Doc to board@inclusiveartsvermont.org.
For questions or for any support in filling out your applications, contact board@inclusiveartsvermont.org or call 802-556-3668.


“I have always enjoyed helping people. Volunteering here has given me the opportunity to pair my love of the arts with my desire to make the world a better place.”


Your time and talent can make a difference! Volunteers and interns play a valued role in the success of our programs, and have fun while doing it.

Whether you prefer to work behind the scenes or take center stage, Inclusive Arts Vermont invites you to share your skills in service to our mission. Possibilities for tasks include event planning and outreach, tabling at events, stuffing mailings, board membership, program support, and more. Short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities are available. You, too, can help us engage the capabilities and enhance the confidence of children and adults with disabilities through the magic of the arts.

To learn more about volunteer and internship opportunities at Inclusive Arts Vermont, contact Heidi Swevens.

A group photo of the IAV board and staff at a recent outdoor fundraiser. Everyone is smiling and there are bubbles in the air. 
Three interns stand together, arms around each other. They all smile directly at the camera.
A group of 11 volunteers from Middlebury College smile at the camera with their arms around each other.